Honest Home Values In and Around Connecticut

Why You Need an Expert To Determine the Right Price for Your House | MyKCM

Our lifestyles change constantly. You are now ready to make your move to a bigger home or a smaller home. With homes continuing to get multiple offers, this could be your moment to get that dream contract.

And here is the thing – an expert like Steve Schappert on your side ensures you make all the right moves when you move, especially when it comes to pricing your home. Even in this competitive market, you can not stick just any price tag on your home and get the deal you want. A key piece of the puzzle is “the right price” from go, a price buyers notice, get excited, then actually go to your “open house” your Real Estate Professional arranges for you.

Pricing Your Home Right Is Important

The price for your home sends messages.

Too low and you might raise questions about your own confidence in your own home! Not to mention, if you undervalue your home, you could be leaving money on the table.

On the other hand, price is too high, you run the risk of scaring-off your buyers. And when that happens, you play “price drop” then your home sits sitting in the market. Price drops are red flags leaving buyers wondering why your price was reduced and what that may mean about your home and your confidence in your home.

In these words, Our goal is not too high with the price, not too low, but right around market value. Pricing your home fairly based on market conditions is an art which increases the chances we will attract buyers who have purchasing power which makes it more likely you’ll see multiple offers, and if bidding goes a bit crazy, it will be fun and you will likely sell at a very favorable price.

Potential downsides of pricing your home too low or too high compared to the benefits coming with pricing correctly, have a look-see:

Why You Need an Expert To Determine the Right Price for Your House | MyKCM

Steve Schappert’s Experience

There are several factors that go into pricing your home. Balance is key. Which is why it is important to lean on an expert real estate advisor when you are ready to move.

Your local Real Estate Advisor is knowledgeable about:

  • The value of homes in your neighborhood
  • The current demand for homes in today’s market
  • The condition of your home and how it affects the value

Steve Schappert balances facts making sure the price of your home makes sense.

The best first impression gives you the greatest return on your investment hands-down.

Steve Schappert The Connecticut Real Estate Broker

Call and Text Steve Schappert 203-994-3950

Email Broker@CTREB.com


You are a concerned homebuyer or homeseller and you need to know what is happening in your housing market, so you can make the most informed decisions possible.

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