Representing one party in a transaction means, consumers are never asked to accept less than full representation.
Thomaston, CT September 25 2017 Connecticut Real Estate Real Estate works exclusively with buyers & Sellers Trust Real Estate works exclusively with sellers. Steve Schappert of Thomaston is the broker for Connecticut Real Estate and former Yankees Pitcher, Ron Diorio of Waterbury is the broker of Sellers Trust. The brokerages serve the commercial and residential markets in Connecticut.
Traditional agents that practice dual agency do not and cannot by law give a client the same degree of loyalty as an agent who acts solely on behalf of their client… A consumer who relies on dual agency does not receive the same degree of legal protection as that afforded by an agent acting solely on behalf of the consumer. This fact was supported by the Oklahoma Supreme Court.
Legendary real estate trainer says pick a side.
Mike Ferry released a report in August of 2014 suggesting agents pick one side of the transaction. “I believe the skill set of an agent who works with buyers is completely different than the skill set of an agent who works on listings.” Ferry went on to state: “… The skill set of a listing agent and buyer’s agent are different from that point forward, meaning the ability to present in a fashion that causes a buyer or seller to sign a contract. … I (have thought) for years that when an agent gets their license they should have to actually declare, ‘I want to work with buyers’ or ‘I want to work with sellers.’ The majority of agents do not have the total package of skill sets to do both and, in most cases, aren’t willing to learn them because they are so vast…”
Schappert founded Connecticut Real Estate LLC and Sellers Trust Real Estate LLC and with the help of Diorio he plans to hire 100 Connecticut Real Estate buyer agents and 100 exclusive seller agents in Connecticut. We will help our agents to build a team in their area and become the dominant buyer agent and listing agent in each market we serve.
“A simple business model and a simple message are powerful tools in a crowded market place. The brokerage names instantly telegraph what we do and who we feel is most important,” said Schappert. The brokerages are founding members of The National Association of Exclusive Agents. The company websites are and
In January 2018 We Have Hired 2 Agents More Coming Soon!
Contacts: Steve Schappert 203-994-3950 Ronald Diorio 203-232-9944
Thomaston, CT September 25 2017 Connecticut Real Estate Real Estate works exclusively with buyers & Sellers Trust Real Estate works exclusively with sellers. Steve Schappert of Thomaston is the broker for Connecticut Real Estate and former Yankees Pitcher, Ron Diorio of Waterbury is the broker of Sellers Trust. The brokerages serve the commercial and residential markets in Connecticut.
Traditional agents that practice dual agency do not and cannot by law give a client the same degree of loyalty as an agent who acts solely on behalf of their client… A consumer who relies on dual agency does not receive the same degree of legal protection as that afforded by an agent acting solely on behalf of the consumer. This fact was supported by the Oklahoma Supreme Court.
Legendary real estate trainer says pick a side.
Mike Ferry released a report in August of 2014 suggesting agents pick one side of the transaction. “I believe the skill set of an agent who works with buyers is completely different than the skill set of an agent who works on listings.” Ferry went on to state: “… The skill set of a listing agent and buyer’s agent are different from that point forward, meaning the ability to present in a fashion that causes a buyer or seller to sign a contract. … I (have thought) for years that when an agent gets their license they should have to actually declare, ‘I want to work with buyers’ or ‘I want to work with sellers.’ The majority of agents do not have the total package of skill sets to do both and, in most cases, aren’t willing to learn them because they are so vast…”
Schappert founded Connecticut Real Estate LLC and Sellers Trust Real Estate LLC and with the help of Diorio he plans to hire 100 Connecticut Real Estate buyer agents and 100 exclusive seller agents in Connecticut. We will help our agents to build a team in their area and become the dominant buyer agent and listing agent in each market we serve.
“A simple business model and a simple message are powerful tools in a crowded market place. The brokerage names instantly telegraph what we do and who we feel is most important,” said Schappert. The brokerages are founding members of The National Association of Exclusive Agents. The company websites are and
In January 2018 We Have Hired 2 Agents More Coming Soon!
Contacts: Steve Schappert 203-994-3950 Ronald Diorio 203-232-9944