The Best Small Dog Breeds for Apartments

When living in an apartment, it’s important to choose a dog breed that is well-suited to apartment living. Look for breeds that are generally smaller in size, have lower energy levels, and adapt well to indoor environments. Here are some of the best small dog breeds for apartments:

1. French Bulldog:
French Bulldogs are known for their affectionate and calm nature. They have a moderate energy level and are relatively low-maintenance in terms of exercise. Their small size and friendly disposition make them great apartment companions.

2. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel:
These dogs are gentle, friendly, and well-suited to apartment living. They enjoy being around people, have a moderate energy level, and are content with indoor play and short walks.

3. Pug:
Pugs are charming, affectionate dogs that are well-loved for their playful personalities. They don’t require excessive exercise and are happy to lounge indoors. Regular walks and interactive playtime will keep them content.

4. Chihuahua:
Chihuahuas are one of the tiniest dog breeds, making them a good fit for apartments with limited space. They have varying energy levels, but most can adapt well to indoor living. Early socialization and training are important for a well-adjusted Chihuahua.

5. Boston Terrier:
Boston Terriers are small, friendly dogs with a gentle disposition. They are moderately active and enjoy playtime, but they don’t require extensive exercise. They tend to get along well with people and other pets.

6. Shih Tzu:
Shih Tzus are known for their friendly and affectionate nature. They have a moderate energy level and are happy to curl up indoors. Regular grooming is important to keep their long coat in good condition.

7. Yorkshire Terrier (Yorkie):
Yorkies are small, lively dogs that adapt well to apartment living. They have a moderate energy level and enjoy indoor play and short walks. Their coat requires regular grooming.

8. Dachshund:
Dachshunds come in different sizes (standard, miniature, and toy), but the smaller ones are well-suited to apartment life. They have a moderate energy level and can be content with indoor play and walks.

9. Maltese:
Maltese dogs are known for their elegant appearance and sweet personality. They are small in size, have a low energy level, and enjoy being with their owners indoors.

10. Miniature Schnauzer:
Miniature Schnauzers are intelligent and adaptable dogs. They have a moderate energy level and can enjoy indoor play, but they also need regular walks and mental stimulation.

Remember, each dog is an individual, so while breed characteristics can provide a general idea, there can be variations in behavior and needs. Before bringing a dog into your apartment, make sure to research the breed thoroughly, consider their exercise, grooming, and training requirements, and ensure you can provide a suitable environment for their well-being.


Steve Schappert Founded, and is the broker at Connecticut Real Estate, Schappert owns The Connecticut Art Gallery and Home & Art Magazine   Steve also designed, built, and shipped a zero-energy double-walled home to Germany.  Schappert is an abstract painting artist and has painted, renovated and provided energy audits for over 1300 homes.

When it comes to real estate, construction and energy efficiency, Steve Schappert is one of the most sought-after experts in the field. With more than 40 years of experience in these areas, he has become a trusted source for reporters looking for insights on the industry. From helping develop net-zero homes to advising on sustainable building practices, Schappert’s knowledge and expertise is unrivaled. Whether it’s for a news article or an in-depth magazine story, reporters turn to Steve Schappert as a reliable source of information. With his expertise and guidance, they can ensure that their stories are accurate and up-to-date.

In the last year I have been interviewed by ABC News ManhattanConnecticut Magazine and featured in 2 articles in The Washington Post.

If you are looking for a creative broker that thinks outside the box  and has been a recognized expert for over 30 years call or text 203-994-3950

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