Here Are The Newest Goshen Homes For Sale Listings
Goshen Connecticut
Our Mission at Goshen Connecticut Real Estate:
To be the Connecticut leader in real estate sales by improving the lives of those we meet, building better communities and leaving the world a better place. We are committed to providing the education that leads to better decision making and better living.
Population: 3,092 (2005)
General Information From the Dept. of Consumer Protection: A Buyer’s agent represents the interests of the buyer in a real estate transaction. The Buyer’s agent’s responsibilities to the buyer are: undivided loyalty, obedience, diligence, disclosure, confidentiality, accounting, and reasonable skill and care. All duties are fiduciary — they are owed exclusively to the buyer – NOT to the seller. Learn More
“Get a broker on your side. In most states, real-estate agents work for the seller, not the buyer. This means that the agent wants to get the seller the best price possible. Using a buyer’s broker, who has your best interest in mind, may help you shave thousands off a home’s purchase price, mortgage or various other costs, and there is no fee to the consumer.” Woman’s Day suggests to find a buyer’s broker, you should call one of the many referral services across the country such as Buyer’s Trust… ” – “Cutting Your Expenses” by Karen J. Bannan was featured in the January 2nd. edition of Woman’s Day Magazine
Everything You Need To Buy & Sell Real Estate in Goshen, CT
The literal meaning of Goshen is ‘land of milk and honey’. However, Goshen, Connecticut is a small town in Litchfield county which has transformed into a thriving business community from a farming town. It was incorporated in 1739 into the state of Connecticut. The town contains a major part of the Mohawk State Forest so it is enveloped by nature on all sides.
On father’s day every year, the town hosts the Goshen Stampede on the Goshen Fairgrounds. This is a festival which consists of the largest Rodeo in New England, Truck Pull, Demolition Derby and a Music Fest. Goshen fair also takes place annually during the Labor Day weekend. This indicates that the town offers an active social life to its residents though they are just 2904 in number.
If you are planning to buy a home in Goshen, here are some details which can help you to decide:
• The median home value in Goshen, Connecticut is $329,300.
• Compared to the national average, the cost of living in this town is 35% higher but the unemployment rate is just 4% which indicates that most of the residents have a source of income.
• The two main principal communities of Goshen are West Goshen and Goshen Center.
This beautiful town acts a retreat for many New Yorkers and the residents of the nearby counties find this town suitable for settlement because of the relatively lower priced properties.
Want to buy a home in Goshen, Connecticut? Just get in touch with Connecticut Real Estate & Investment.
Here’s how we can help you:
When you hire our brokerage services, you get exclusive representation in every deal. We are the best brokerage service provider for buyers in Goshen, Connecticut.
Our team consists of real estate experts and experienced agents who are aware of the latest market trends. We can help you to find your dream home at the best possible price.
As we are not associated with sellers in any way, we can make certain disclosures to you about a deal which can prove to be materially beneficial for you.
Our system of price comparisons and detailed valuation of properties can give you a clear idea regarding the prevalent property prices and their real worth. This can add value to your negotiations.
Whenever you decide to buy a house in Goshen, Connecticut, don’t forget to get in touch with Connecticut Real Estate & Investment.

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