Steve Schappert Knows Your Home is Unforgettable!

Some agents act like it’s beneath them to host an open house. In reality, that’s probably due to lack of imagination.

Steve Schappert hosts open houses offering a variety of opportunities, getting Buyer’s Boots through that door.

Make it an event

It doesn’t cost a lot to make a big impression at your open house. Flood social media, plenty of bandit signs, and what the heck- bring in a food truck, ice cream truck, popcorn and cotton candy machines, and other fun stuff to get your neighbors involved bringing their friends and friends kids as your next Buyers of your home.

Knock on Doors, send out flyers everywhere!, then livestream the party on every social media platform. Remember, we’re not just advertising your listing, we’re advertising YOUR Most Humble and Gracious Agent.

Find A Lender

Buyers need someone to help them crunch the numbers and figure out what’s possible for them financially in today’s market. Bring your lender with you to your open house and let them assist you in breaking down current interest rates, mortgage terms and potential return on investment for your market. If your lender is good enough for you, your lender is good enough for all!

Provide information that adds value

Create attractive marketing materials for visitors to take with them, including:

Flyers with basic information about the home

Floorplan printouts with measurements

Complete features lists for the property

Pre-inspection or pre-appraisal information

Estimates for improvements or renovations from a local contractor

Answer all questions and handle all objections BEFORE they arise by providing meaningful information upfront for buyers and their agents.

Follow up after the open house

Use the information you’ve captured and the conversations you’ve had to follow up in a meaningful way after the open house. Don’t limit yourself to asking for feedback on the property. Reach out in an authentic and helpful way to answer any questions, concerns, or pain points expressed by the visitors to your open house.

If you’re only measuring the success of your open house by whether or not you get an offer to buy, you’ll never embrace the potential that the event itself offers. Use open houses as a way to connect so that every weekend afternoon becomes a major marketing event.


Steve Schappert Realtor

Call and Text Steve Schappert 203-994-3950



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