Negotiation Tricks and effective Negotiation Tactics… in only 90 seconds

YouTube video
Published on Mar 21, 2013
OUR PROMISE: In this short 90 second clip you will learn some excellent negotiation tactics that you will help you during your whole life!….
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Negotiation Tricks and Effective Negotiation Tactics in 90 Seconds:

  1. Preparation is Key: Before entering a negotiation, do your homework. Research the other party’s needs, motivations, and constraints. Understanding their perspective gives you an advantage.
  2. Active Listening: Listen more than you speak. Pay attention to the other party’s words, tone, and body language. This not only helps you gather information but also builds rapport.
  3. Ask Open-Ended Questions: Encourage the other party to share their thoughts and priorities by asking open-ended questions like, “Can you tell me more about your concerns?” This fosters communication.
  4. Create Win-Win Solutions: Seek mutually beneficial outcomes. Look for solutions where both parties gain value, as this increases the likelihood of reaching an agreement.
  5. Silence Can Be Powerful: Don’t rush to fill every silence. Sometimes, the other party will offer concessions or reveal important information if given time to think.
  6. Use the “Flinch” Technique: React with surprise or concern when presented with an offer. This can prompt the other party to reconsider and potentially improve their offer.
  7. Avoid Making Concessions Too Quickly: Don’t give in to pressure too soon. Be patient and strategic in offering concessions, and make sure to get something in return.
  8. BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement): Always have a strong BATNA in mind—a backup plan if the negotiation fails. This provides you with confidence and leverage.
  9. Stay Emotionally Calm: Keep your emotions in check, even if the negotiation becomes tense. Emotional reactions can cloud judgment and hinder effective communication.
  10. Summarize and Document: After reaching an agreement, summarize the key points and put them in writing. This reduces the risk of misunderstandings and provides a reference point.

Remember, effective negotiation is about finding common ground and building relationships, not about tricks or tactics aimed at “winning” at any cost. Approach negotiations with empathy and the goal of achieving mutually beneficial outcomes.

Negotiation Tricks and effective Negotiation Tactics... in only 90 seconds

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