Zoning is the process by which a city controls how land is used and developed. Each piece of land (or “lot”) in the city is assigned to a specific zoning district, which dictates what activities can take place and what development standards must be followed.
Plan review is a key part of this process and often serves as the first step in starting a new development. It ensures that projects comply with the city’s development standards, protects investments in land and structures, and helps maintain a pleasant environment for the city’s residents.
Land Use Regulations
- Zoning Regulations: Guidelines that specify land use and development requirements for each zoning district.
- Subdivision Regulations: Rules governing the division of land into smaller parcels.
- Inland Wetlands Regulations: Standards for protecting wetlands and watercourses.
- Plan Review Services: The Department of Development Services uses the Accela portal for all Planning & Zoning (P&Z) applications. You can create an account to submit your applications. Once logged in, you can select the appropriate application and check its status.
- How to Use Regulations
For more information on the services offered, please visit the Planning & Zoning application portal:
- Planning & Zoning Review: Submit requests for zoning permits, site plan reviews, and special permits.
- Zoning Compliance Letter: Request a Zoning Verification Letter or Certificate of Nonconformance, typically needed for real estate transactions.
- Historic Review: Required for properties in historic districts before issuing building or demolition permits.
- Zoning Appeal: If your application is denied or you’ve received a citation, you can file an appeal.
- Liquor Permit: Apply for a special liquor permit through the Planning Division. (860) 757-9040 Liquor Permits are reviewed in the context of multiple scenarios in the Zoning Regulations. All liquor permits should be initiated with the State of CT Department of Consumer Protection – Liquor Control Division 860-713-6200
- Sign Permit: Submit applications for signage review in the Planning & Zoning division.
- Amendments: Request changes to the zoning map, zoning regulations, or the Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD).
- Wetlands Permit: Apply for a permit when working in or near wetlands or watercourses.
- Zoning Variance: Request a variance to relieve a property owner from strict zoning rules.
- Subdivision/Lot Adjustment: Change the boundaries or configuration of existing parcels of land.
Land Use Boards & Commissions
The Planning Division supports several boards and commissions made up of volunteers who help guide the city’s growth. Below are the key commissions:
- Historic Preservation/Properties Commission: Reviews applications for work on properties in historic districts or listed as state or national landmarks.
- Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission: Reviews activities affecting wetlands or watercourses.
- Planning & Zoning Commission: Manages zoning regulations, approves site plans, and reviews special permits. This commission also recommends the POCD and handles subdivision regulations.
- Board of Preservation Appeals: Handles appeals related to decisions made by the Historic Preservation Commission.
- Zoning Board of Appeals: Hears appeals regarding zoning decisions and grants variances if there are valid hardships.